Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Demonstrator Destroys a Shop as they Clash with Shopkeepers Disgruntled by Weeks Of Bad Business due to Weeks Of Demonstrations on Istiklal Street in Central Istanbul July 13, 2013 . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Demonstrasi memusnahkan kedai kerana mereka bertembung dengan pekedai tidak puas hati oleh minggu perniagaan yang buruk kerana minggu demonstrasi Istiklal Street di tengah-tengah Istanbul 13 Julai 2013. Polis Turki menembak meriam air dan gas pemedih mata pada hari Sabtu untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan yang berkumpul untuk berarak ke Gezi Park, di tengah-tengah pergolakan sengit terhadap pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Erdogan. Penunjuk perasaan bertaburan, berjalan ke sidestreets mana polis mengejar mereka, sebelum memulakan untuk berkumpul semula di Istiklal Street, beberapa meter utama dari Dataran Taksim. (A demonstrator destroys a shop as they clash with shopkeepers disgruntled by weeks of bad business due to weeks of demonstrations on Istiklal Street in central Istanbul July 13, 2013. Turkish police fired water cannon and tear gas on Saturday to disperse hundreds of protesters who gathered to march to Gezi Park, which has been at the heart of fierce unrest against Prime Minister Erdogan's rule. Protesters scattered, running into sidestreets where police pursued them, before starting to regroup on Istiklal Street, metres from the main Taksim Square. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST BUSINESS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @1WORLDCommunity)

Police officers stand behind their riot shields during a clash with loyalists in the Woodvale Road area of North Belfast, on the second night of violence after an Orange Parade was blocked from marching past the Nationalist Ardoyne area in Belfast, July 13, 2013 . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Pegawai-pegawai polis berdiri di belakang perisai rusuhan mereka semasa pertembungan dengan pengikut setia di kawasan Jalan Woodvale Utara Belfast, pada malam ke-2 keganasan selepas Parade Orange telah disekat daripada berarak lalu kawasan Ardoyne Nasionalis di Belfast, 13 Julai, 2013. Lebih daripada 30 pegawai polis cedera dan 11 orang ditahan dalam keganasan semalaman sekitar perarakan Hari tradisional Orange di Ireland Utara, pihak berkuasa berkata pada hari Sabtu. Beribu-ribu pro-British Protestan perarakan setiap musim panas di wilayah British, flashpoint tetap untuk keganasan sebagai mazhab Katolik, yang kebanyakannya penyatuan memihak dengan Ireland, melihat perarakan sebagai provokasi (Police officers stand behind their riot shields during a clash with loyalists in the Woodvale Road area of North Belfast, on the second night of violence after an Orange Parade was blocked from marching past the Nationalist Ardoyne area in Belfast, July 13, 2013. More than 30 police officers were injured and 11 people arrested during overnight violence around traditional Orange Day parades in Northern Ireland, authorities said on Saturday. Thousands of pro-British Protestants march every summer in the British province, a regular flashpoint for sectarian violence as Catholics, many of whom favour unification with Ireland, see the parades as a provocation. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton (NORTHERN IRELAND - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @1WORLDCommunity)

Osman Erden (C) is detained by Riot Police during An Anti-Government Protest at Istiklal Street in Central Istanbul July 13, 2013

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Osman Erden (C) ditahan oleh polis rusuhan semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Jalan Istiklal di tengah-tengah Istanbul Julai 13, 2013. Polis Turki menembak meriam air dan gas pemedih mata pada hari Sabtu untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan yang berkumpul untuk berarak ke Gezi Park, yang telah di tengah-tengah pergolakan sengit terhadap pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Erdogan. Penunjuk perasaan bertaburan, berjalan ke sidestreets mana polis mengejar mereka, sebelum memulakan untuk berkumpul semula di Istiklal Street, beberapa meter utama dari Dataran Taksim (Osman Erden (C) is detained by riot police during an anti-government protest at Istiklal Street in central Istanbul July 13, 2013. Turkish police fired water cannon and tear gas on Saturday to disperse hundreds of protesters who gathered to march to Gezi Park, which has been at the heart of fierce unrest against Prime Minister Erdogan's rule. Protesters scattered, running into sidestreets where police pursued them, before starting to regroup on Istiklal Street, metres from the main Taksim Square. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @1WORLDCommunity)

A Protester with a Gas Mask stands as Riot Police Fire tear Gas during Clashes with Riot Police at Istiklal Street in Central Istanbul late July 13, 2013

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Penunjuk perasaan dengan topeng gas berdiri sebagai polis rusuhan gas api pemedih mata dalam pertempuran dengan polis rusuhan di Istiklal Street di tengah-tengah Istanbul lewat 13 julai 2013. Polis Turki menembak meriam air dan gas pemedih mata pada hari Sabtu untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan yang berkumpul untuk berarak ke Gezi Park, yang telah di tengah-tengah pergolakan sengit terhadap pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Erdogan. Penunjuk perasaan bertaburan, berjalan ke sidestreets mana polis mengejar mereka, sebelum memulakan untuk berkumpul semula di Istiklal Street, beberapa meter utama dari Taksim Square (A protester with a gas mask stands as riot police fire tear gas during clashes with riot police at Istiklal Street in central Istanbul late July 13, 2013. Turkish police fired water cannon and tear gas on Saturday to disperse hundreds of protesters who gathered to march to Gezi Park, which has been at the heart of fierce unrest against Prime Minister Erdogan's rule. Protesters scattered, running into sidestreets where police pursued them, before starting to regroup on Istiklal Street, metres from the main Taksim Square. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) @1WORLDCommunity)

Demonstrators Wave Turkish flags During an anti-government Protest at Kadikoy Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Penunjuk perasaan mengibar bendera Turki semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Kadikoy persegi di Istanbul Julai 7, 2013. A pelekat hitam berbunyi, "Akhir kepada keganasan polis". (Demonstrators wave Turkish flags during an anti-government protest at Kadikoy square in Istanbul July 7, 2013. A placard in black reads, "End to police terror". REUTERS/Murad Sezer (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

Riot Police use a Water Cannon to disperse Demonstrators during a Protest at Taksim Square in Central Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Polis rusuhan menggunakan meriam air untuk menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan semasa protes di Taksim Square di pusat bandar Istanbul 6 Julai 2013. Polis Turki melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan di sebuah dataran Istanbul pada hari Sabtu kerana mereka berkumpul untuk memasuki taman yang merupakan pusat protes terhadap Perdana Menteri Tayyip Erdogan bulan lepas. Gambar yang diambil 6 julai 2013 (Riot police use a water cannon to disperse demonstrators during a protest at Taksim Square in central Istanbul July 6, 2013. Turkish police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters in an Istanbul square on Saturday as they gathered to enter a park that was the centre of protests against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan last month. Picture taken July 6, 2013. REUTERS/Serkan Senturk (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

A Protester Shouts Slogans during an anti-government Protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Penunjuk perasaan yang menjerit slogan semasa bantahan anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square di Istanbul 29 Jun 2013. Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak ke Dataran Taksim Istanbul pada Sabtu melaungkan slogan menentang kerajaan dan polis selepas pasukan keselamatan membunuh Kurd demonstrasi di Turki tenggara. Bantahan itu telah dirancang sebagai sebahagian daripada yang lebih besar demonstrasi anti-kerajaan yang tidak berkaitan yang telah melanda negara ini sejak akhir Mei, tetapi menjadi suara perpaduan dengan orang Kurd selepas pembunuhan Jumaat (A protester shouts slogans during an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 29, 2013. Thousands of protesters marched to Istanbul's Taksim Square on Saturday chanting slogans against the government and police after security forces killed a Kurdish demonstrator in southeastern Turkey. The protest had been planned as part of larger unrelated anti-government demonstrations that have swept through the country since the end of May, but became a voice of solidarity with the Kurds after Friday's killing. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

A Protester is Detained by Plainclothes Police Officers during an anti-government Protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Seorang penunjuk perasaan ditahan oleh pegawai polis berpakaian biasa semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square di Istanbul 29 Jun 2013. Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak ke Dataran Taksim Istanbul pada Sabtu melaungkan slogan menentang kerajaan dan polis selepas pasukan keselamatan membunuh Kurd demonstrasi di Turki tenggara. Bantahan itu telah dirancang sebagai sebahagian daripada yang lebih besar demonstrasi anti-kerajaan yang tidak berkaitan yang telah melanda negara ini sejak akhir Mei, tetapi menjadi suara perpaduan dengan orang Kurd selepas pembunuhan Jumaat (A protester is detained by plainclothes police officers during an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 29, 2013. Thousands of protesters marched to Istanbul's Taksim Square on Saturday chanting slogans against the government and police after security forces killed a Kurdish demonstrator in southeastern Turkey. The protest had been planned as part of larger unrelated anti-government demonstrations that have swept through the country since the end of May, but became a voice of solidarity with the Kurds after Friday's killing. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

Anti-government Protesters lie on the Ground during a Demonstration at Taksim Square in central Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Penunjuk perasaan anti-kerajaan berbaring di atas tanah semasa demonstrasi di persegi Taksim di tengah-tengah Istanbul 25 Jun 2013. Polis anti-keganasan Turki menahan 20 orang dalam serbuan di ibu kota Ankara pada Selasa berhubung dengan minggu protes anti-kerajaan di seluruh negara ini, kata laporan media. Pergolakan bermula pada akhir Mei apabila polis menggunakan kekerasan terhadap kempen menentang rancangan untuk membangunkan semula sebuah pusat taman Istanbul. Bantahan itu melambung ke dalam demonstrasi yang lebih luas terhadap Perdana Menteri Tayyip Erdogan dan kerajaannya (Anti-government protesters lie on the ground during a demonstration at Taksim square in central Istanbul June 25, 2013. Turkish anti-terrorism police detained 20 people in raids in the capital Ankara on Tuesday in connection with weeks of anti-government protests across the country, media reports said. The unrest began at the end of May when police used force against campaigners opposed to plans to redevelop a central Istanbul park. The protest spiraled into broader demonstrations against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his government. REUTERS/Osman Orsal (TURKEY - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) @1WORLDCommunity)

Turkish Police take Position for an anti-government Protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Polis Turki mengambil kedudukan untuk protes anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square di Istanbul 29 Jun 2013 (Turkish police take position for an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 29, 2013. REUTERS/Osman Orsal (TURKEY - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS MILITARY) @1WORLDCommunity)

Women Walk Past as Police Officers take Position for a anti-government Protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Wanita berjalan lalu sebagai pegawai polis mengambil kedudukan untuk protes anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square di Istanbul 29 Jun 2013 (Women walk past as police officers take position for a anti-government protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 29, 2013. REUTERS/Osman Orsal (TURKEY - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) @1WORLDCommunity)

An Anti-Government Protester Holds a Turkish Flag as Police Officers take Position during an anti-government Protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Anti-kerajaan penunjuk perasaan memegang bendera Turki sebagai pegawai polis mengambil kedudukan semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square di Istanbul 29 Jun 2013 (An anti-government protester holds a Turkish flag as police officers take position during an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 29, 2013. REUTERS/Osman Orsal (TURKEY - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CRIME LAW) @1WORLDCommunity)

A Protester is Detained by Plainclothes Police Officers During An Anti-Government Protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Seorang penunjuk perasaan ditahan oleh pegawai polis berpakaian biasa semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Taksim Square di Istanbul 29 Jun 2013. Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak ke Dataran Taksim Istanbul pada Sabtu melaungkan slogan menentang kerajaan dan polis selepas pasukan keselamatan membunuh demonstrasi Kurd di Turki tenggara. Bantahan itu telah dirancang sebagai sebahagian daripada yang lebih besar demonstrasi anti-kerajaan yang tidak berkaitan yang telah melanda negara ini sejak akhir Mei, tetapi menjadi suara perpaduan dengan orang Kurd selepas pembunuhan Jumaat. (A protester is detained by plainclothes police officers during an anti-government protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 29, 2013. Thousands of protesters marched to Istanbul's Taksim Square on Saturday chanting slogans against the government and police after security forces killed a Kurdish demonstrator in southeastern Turkey. The protest had been planned as part of larger unrelated anti-government demonstrations that have swept through the country since the end of May, but became a voice of solidarity with the Kurds after Friday's killing. REUTERS/Umit Bektas (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) @1WORLDCommunity)

Riot Police use a Water Cannon to Disperse Demonstrators during a Protest in Central Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Polis rusuhan menggunakan meriam air untuk menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan semasa protes di tengah-tengah Istanbul 6 Julai 2013. Polis Turki melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan di sebuah dataran Istanbul pada hari Sabtu kerana mereka berkumpul untuk memasuki taman yang merupakan pusat protes terhadap Perdana Menteri Tayyip Erdogan bulan lepas. (Riot police use a water cannon to disperse demonstrators during a protest in central Istanbul July 6, 2013. Turkish police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters in an Istanbul square on Saturday as they gathered to enter a park that was the centre of protests against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan last month. REUTERS/Murad Sezer (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

A Riot Policeman Fires Teargas During a Protest in Central Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks - Seorang anggota polis rusuhan menembak gas pemedih mata semasa protes di tengah-tengah Istanbul 6 julai 2013. Polis Turki melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan di sebuah dataran Istanbul pada hari Sabtu kerana mereka berkumpul untuk memasuki taman yang merupakan pusat protes terhadap Perdana Menteri Tayyip Erdogan bulan lepas. (A riot policeman fires teargas during a protest in central Istanbul July 6, 2013. Turkish police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters in an Istanbul square on Saturday as they gathered to enter a park that was the centre of protests against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan last month. REUTERS/Murad Sezer (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

Riot Police use a Water Cannon to Disperse Demonstrators during a Protest in Central Istanbul . . .

i.think IN Pictures Foto Of the Weeks Polis rusuhan menggunakan meriam air untuk menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan semasa protes di tengah-tengah Istanbul 6 Julai 2013. Polis Turki melepaskan gas pemedih mata dan meriam air untuk menyuraikan beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan di sebuah dataran Istanbul pada hari Sabtu kerana mereka berkumpul untuk memasuki taman yang merupakan pusat protes terhadap Perdana Menteri Tayyip Erdogan bulan lepas. (Riot police use a water cannon to disperse demonstrators during a protest in central Istanbul July 6, 2013. Turkish police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters in an Istanbul square on Saturday as they gathered to enter a park that was the centre of protests against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan last month. REUTERS/Murad Sezer (TURKEY - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) @1WORLDCommunity)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Supporters of the deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi pray during a protest in Cairo July 12, 2013 . . .

Penyokong Presiden Mesir Mohamed Mursi yang digulingkan berdoa semasa protes di Kaherah 12 Julai 2013. Penyokong Islam Presiden Mesir yang digulingkan, Mohamed Mursi, membantah di Kaherah pada hari Jumaat selepas seminggu keganasan di mana lebih daripada 90 orang terbunuh dalam sebuah negara yang dibahagikan. (Supporters of the deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi pray during a protest in Cairo July 12, 2013. Islamist supporters of Egypt's ousted president, Mohamed Mursi, protested in Cairo on Friday after a week of violence in which more than 90 people were killed in a bitterly divided nation. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem (EGYPT - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST RELIGION TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @i.think IN pictures TINJAUAN 1Wc’sChannel)

Free Syrian Army fighters Move through a Hole in a Wall inside a Building in Aleppo's Salaheddine neighborhood . . .

Pejuang Free Syrian Army bergerak melalui lubang di dinding di dalam bangunan di kawasan kejiranan Salaheddine Aleppo, 12 Julai 2013 (Free Syrian Army fighters move through a hole in a wall inside a building in Aleppo's Salaheddine neighborhood, July 12, 2013. REUTERS/Muzaffar Salman (SYRIA - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @i.think IN pictures TINJAUAN 1Wc’sChannel)

A Protester Uses teargas Against Police Officers As Angry Residents Attempt to Storm the Local Police Station in Kiev July 12, 2013 . . .

Penunjuk perasaan menggunakan gas pemedih mata terhadap pegawai-pegawai polis sebagai penduduk marah cuba untuk menyerang sebuah balai polis di Kiev 12 Julai 2013. Orang marah dengan memukul seorang wanita tempatan di mana mereka kata pegawai polis itu yang terlibat, menyerang ibu pejabat polis, lapor media tempatan. (A protester uses teargas against police officers as angry residents attempt to storm the local police station in Kiev July 12, 2013. People angered by the beating of a local woman in which they said police officer was involved, attacked a police headquarters, local media reported. REUTERS/Stringer (UKRAINE - CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @i.think IN pictures TINJAUAN 1Wc’sChannel)

The United States Department Of Defense plans to Send four more F-16 fighter Jets to Egypt in the Coming Weeks, according to American Officials

Jabatan Pertahanan Amerika Syarikat merancang untuk menghantar 4 lagi F-16 jet pejuang ke Mesir pada minggu-minggu akan datang, menurut pegawai-pegawai Amerika. "Tidak ada perubahan semasa dalam rancangan untuk menyampaikan F-16 kepada tentera Mesir," kata seorang pegawai Amerika Syarikat tidak mahu dinamakan memberitahu Reuters pada Rabu. Seorang lagi pegawai Amerika berkata penghantaran berkemungkinan bulan depan. 8 lagi F-16 jet pejuang telah dijadualkan untuk dihantar pada bulan Disember. Rancangan Washington datang walaupun penggulingan Presiden Mesir Mohamed Morsi dalam rampasan kuasa tentera pada minggu lepas. Pentadbiran Obama berkata ia masih mengkaji sama ada atau tidak untuk melabelkan penyingkiran Morsi oleh rampasan kuasa tentera. Pada hari Isnin, jurucakap White House Jay Carney berkata bahawa Washington tidak akan berhenti menyediakan bantuan tentera ke Mesir walaupun penyingkiran Morsi itu. "Kami fikir ia tidak akan berada dalam kepentingan terbaik Amerika Syarikat" untuk menukar program bantuan pada masa ini, Carney berkata. Menurut undang-undang Amerika Syarikat, bantuan kewangan kepada mana-mana negara yang ketua negara dipilih adalah digulingkan dalam rampasan kuasa tentera adalah dilarang. Republikan Senator John McCain juga berkata bantuan Amerika Syarikat ke Mesir perlu dipotong mengikut undang-undang Amerika Syarikat. "Ia adalah sukar bagi saya untuk membuat kesimpulan bahawa apa yang berlaku adalah apa-apa selain daripada rampasan kuasa di mana tentera memainkan peranan yang penting," kata McCain.

The United States Department of Defense plans to send four more F-16 fighter jets to Egypt in the coming weeks, according to American officials. "There is no current change in the plan to deliver F-16s to the Egyptian military," an unnamed U.S. official told Reuters on Wednesday). Another American official said the deliveries were likely next month. Eight more F-16 fighter jets were slated to be delivered in December. Washington's plan comes despite the overthrow of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in a military coup last week. The Obama administration said it is still reviewing whether or not to label the ouster of Morsi by the military a coup. On Monday, White House spokesman Jay Carney said that Washington will not stop providing military aid to Egypt despite the Morsi ouster). "We think it would not be in the best interests of the United States" to change its aid program at this time, Carney said. According to U.S. law, financial assistance to any country whose elected head of state is deposed in a military coup is prohibited. Republican Senator John McCain also said U.S. aid to Egypt should be cut off in accordance with U.S. law. "It is difficult for me to conclude that what happened was anything other than a coup in which the military played a decisive role," McCain said).

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Brazil Protests: violence clashes in Rio de Janeiro as unions complain over working conditions

(16 hours ago) Brazil Protes: pertempuran keganasan di Rio de Janeiro sebagai kesatuan mengadu atas keadaan kerja. Segar sebatan berlaku di Rio de Janeiro malam tadi selepas puluhan ribu penunjuk perasaan kesatuan menysekat jalan raya dan lalu lintas dalam berpuluh-puluh bandar-bandar Brazil dalam protes sehari bertujuan untuk merebut momentum protes besar-besaran yang melanda negara itu bulan lepas.

Brazil Protests: violence clashes in Rio de Janeiro as unions complain over working conditions. Fresh lashes broke out in Rio de Janeiro last night after tens of thousands of union demonstrators blocked roads and snarler traffic in dozens of Brazilian cities in a one-day strike aimed at seizing the momentum of huge protests that swept the country last month. 

A riot policeman Fires his Weapon while Confronting Stone-throwing Demonstrators during An Anti-government Protest in Belem, at the Mouth Of the Amazon River . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Seorang anggota polis rusuhan tembak senjata api ketika penunjuk perasaan dihadapi membaling batu semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Belem, di muara Sungai Amazon, 20 Jun, 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (A riot policeman fires his weapon while confronting stone-throwing demonstrators during an anti-government protest in Belem, at the mouth of the Amazon River, June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Ney Macondes (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

A Woman Kneels in Front of Mounted riot Policemen as Demonstators Clashed with Police during An Anti-government Protest in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Seorang wanita berlutut di hadapan polis rusuhan dilekapkan sebagai demonstators bertempur dengan polis semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Porto Alegre, selatan Brazil, 20 Jun, 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-raya di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (A woman kneels in front of mounted riot policemen as demonstators clashed with police during an anti-government protest in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Gustavo Vara (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER  @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

Demonstrators Protest against the Government Of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff in Front Of the National Congress in Brasilia . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Penunjuk perasaan bantahan terhadap kerajaan Presiden Brazil Dilma Rousseff di hadapan Kongres Kebangsaan di Brasilia 20 Jun 2013. Protes terbesar Brazil dalam tempoh 2 dekad dipergiatkan pada Khamis walaupun konsesi kerajaan bertujuan untuk menamatkan demonstrasi, 300,000 orang mengambil untuk jalan-raya di Rio de Janeiro dan beratus-ratus beribu-ribu lagi membanjiri bandar-bandar lain. (Demonstrators protest against the government of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff in front of the National Congress in Brasilia June 20, 2013. Brazil's biggest protests in two decades intensified on Thursday despite government concessions meant to quell the demonstrations, as 300,000 people took to the streets of Rio de Janeiro and hundreds of thousands more flooded other cities. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino (BRAZIL - POLITICS CIVIL UNREST @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

A Demonstrator Offers a Flower to a Riot policeman during An Anti-government Protest in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Demonstrasi A menawarkan bunga kepada seorang anggota polis rusuhan semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Porto Alegre, selatan Brazil, 20 Jun, 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (A demonstrator offers a flower to a riot policeman during an anti-government protest in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Gustavo Vara (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

A Demonstrator Offers Flowers to the Riot Police during An Anti-government Protest in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Demonstrasi yang menawarkan bunga kepada polis rusuhan semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Porto Alegre, selatan Brazil, 20 Jun, 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (A demonstrator offers flowers to the riot police during an anti-government protest in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Gustavo Vara (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

Police Protect themselves Against Stone-throwing Demonstrators during An Anti-government Protest in Belem, at the mouth Of the Amazon River . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Polis melindungi diri mereka daripada dibaling batu oleh penunjuk perasaan semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Belem, di muara Sungai Amazon, 20 Jun, 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (Police protect themselves against stone-throwing demonstrators during an anti-government protest in Belem, at the mouth of the Amazon River, June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Ney Macondes (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER) @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

A Man Stands between Bonfires lit by Demonstrators As they Clashed with Police during An Anti-Government Protest in Rio de Janeir . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Seorang lelaki berdiri di antara unggun api dinyalakan oleh penunjuk perasaan kerana mereka bertempur dengan polis semasa protes anti-kerajaan di Rio de Janeiro 20 Jun 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (A man stands between bonfires lit by demonstrators as they clashed with police during an anti-government protest in Rio de Janeiro June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Luciana Whitaker (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

Demonstrators Participate in One Of Many Protests Around Brazil's Major Cities in Belem, at the Mouth Of the Amazon River . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Penunjuk perasaan mengambil bahagian dalam salah satu daripada banyak bantahan di seluruh bandar-bandar utama Brazil di Belem, di muara Sungai Amazon, 20 Jun, 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (Demonstrators participate in one of many protests around Brazil's major cities in Belem, at the mouth of the Amazon River, June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Paulo Santos (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER) @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

Demonstrators Clash during a Protest Against the Confederations Cup and the Government Of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff in Recife . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Pertembungan penunjuk perasaan semasa protes terhadap Piala Konfederasi dan kerajaan Presiden Brazil Dilma Rousseff di Recife 20 Jun 2013. Protes terbesar Brazil dalam tempoh 2 dekad dipergiatkan pada Khamis walaupun konsesi kerajaan bertujuan untuk menamatkan demonstrasi, 300,000 orang mengambil jalan-raya di Rio de Janeiro dan beratus-ratus beribu-ribu lagi membanjiri bandar-bandar lain. (Demonstrators clash during a protest against the Confederations Cup and the government of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff in Recife June 20, 2013. Brazil's biggest protests in two decades intensified on Thursday despite government concessions meant to quell the demonstrations, as 300,000 people took to the streets of Rio de Janeiro and hundreds of thousands more flooded other cities. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes (BRAZIL - SOCIETY CIVIL UNREST POLITICS @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

Demonstrators Help a Man Injured in Clashes with Police during one Of Many Protests Around Brazil's Major cities in Rio de Janeiro . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Penunjuk perasaan membantu seorang lelaki yang cedera dalam pertempuran dengan polis pada salah satu daripada banyak bantahan di seluruh bandar-bandar utama Brazil di Rio de Janeiro 20 Jun 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (Demonstrators help a man injured in clashes with police during one of many protests around Brazil's major cities in Rio de Janeiro June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Luciana Whitaker (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER @i.think INpictures 1WC's Channel)

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Demonstrator Chases Vandals (unseen) during a Protest Against the Confederations Cup and the Government Of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff in Recife City . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Demonstrasi mengejar Vandal (ghaib) dalam bantahan terhadap Piala Konfederasi dan kerajaan Presiden Brazil Dilma Rousseff di Recife City 20 Jun 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. Penunjuk perasaan menggunakan Piala Konfederasi sebagai pengisi untuk menguatkan kebimbangan mereka. (A demonstrator chases vandals (unseen) during a protest against the Confederations Cup and the government of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff in Recife City June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. Protesters are using the Confederations Cup as a counterpoint to amplify their concerns. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes (BRAZIL - SOCIETY CIVIL UNREST POLITICS SPORT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY @i.think IN pictures 1WC's Channel)

Demonstrators March through during one Of many Protests Around Brazil's Major Cities in Rio de Janeiro . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui semasa salah satu daripada banyak bantahan di seluruh bandar-bandar utama Brazil di Rio de Janeiro 20 Jun 2013. Berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak melalui jalan-jalan di bandar-bandar Brazil terbesar pada hari Khamis dalam protes yang semakin meningkat yang menembusi kemarahan meluas buruknya perkhidmatan awam, polis keganasan dan rasuah kerajaan. (Demonstrators march through during one of many protests around Brazil's major cities in Rio de Janeiro June 20, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil's biggest cities on Thursday in a growing protest that is tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption. REUTERS/Luciana Whitaker (BRAZIL - CIVIL UNREST POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT SPORT SOCCER @i.thinkINpictures1WC'sChannel)

Members Of the Brazilian Law Enforcement Troops Confront People during Protests Ahead . . .

TINJAUAN Huru-hara DUNIA AkhirZAMAN: Members of the Brazilian law enforcement troops confront people during protests ahead of the Confederations Cup soccer match between Brazil and Mexico outside the stadium of Fortaleza June 19, 2013. Tens of thousands of protestors took part in the protest as police and national guard used tear gas and rubber bullets to stop the protestors marching towards the stadium. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (BRAZIL - SPORT SOCCER CIVIL UNREST POLITICS @i.thinkINpictures1WC'sChannel)