Saturday, July 13, 2013

Brazil Protests: violence clashes in Rio de Janeiro as unions complain over working conditions

(16 hours ago) Brazil Protes: pertempuran keganasan di Rio de Janeiro sebagai kesatuan mengadu atas keadaan kerja. Segar sebatan berlaku di Rio de Janeiro malam tadi selepas puluhan ribu penunjuk perasaan kesatuan menysekat jalan raya dan lalu lintas dalam berpuluh-puluh bandar-bandar Brazil dalam protes sehari bertujuan untuk merebut momentum protes besar-besaran yang melanda negara itu bulan lepas.

Brazil Protests: violence clashes in Rio de Janeiro as unions complain over working conditions. Fresh lashes broke out in Rio de Janeiro last night after tens of thousands of union demonstrators blocked roads and snarler traffic in dozens of Brazilian cities in a one-day strike aimed at seizing the momentum of huge protests that swept the country last month. 

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